Simple instructions for translating binary data to grd/netcdf file (courtesy of J.Konter): 1. Grab whatever file you need from the ftp site and type unzip at the command line. 2. Below is a bash script to translate any srtm tile into a grd file (assuming you call it proc_srtm.cmd you'd run it like this): prompt:> proc_srtm.cmd s03e152.hgt #!/bin/bash # first translate the binary data into a grid: # get the coordinates: w=`echo $1 | sed 's/.hgt//' | sed 's/S/-/' | sed 's/W/ -/' |\ sed 's/N//' | sed 's/E/ /' | awk '{print $2}'` e=`expr $w + 1` s=`echo $1 | sed 's/.hgt//' | sed 's/S/-/' | sed 's/W/ -/' |\ sed 's/N//' | sed 's/E/ /' | awk '{print $1}'` n=`expr $s + 1` # translate into a netcdf grd: xyz2grd $1 -G$1.grd -I3c -R${w}/${e}/${s}/${n} -ZTLh -L -V -N-32768