Generate an interferogram for your chosen area of interest in Western US. Steps: 1) Select your area and check the data availability. 1a. Create a subdirectory in your work directory on /sword/usr 1b. Copy files from /sword/usr/insar/yuri/orb_info to your orb_info dir 1c. Edit file to specify coordinates of your geographic area (W and S are negative) 1d. Run to extract all available data from the ERS catalog. stands for the ERS operational phase (there were several phases, a, b, c, ...etc., and g is all-inclusive). 1e. and to generate coordinates of available ERS scenes (each scene, or frame, is a radar swath about 100 km x 100 km). 1f. Make a map of your area with satellite frames on top. Specify lat/lon bounds for your area in file reference.gmt. Then run <./reference.gmt g 1 s> (all of the above scripts will print a usage statement if no arguments are given). 1g. Look at the map and select the scene(s) (track# and frame#) you want to process. Edit file des_tf.g to delete all other scenes. Re-run . 1h. Edit to specify the name of your area (optional). Start Matlab and run to produce a baseline plot. Data available in our WInSAR archive will be shown in red. Select your interferometric pair (satellite number, A=ERS1, B=ERS2, and orbit number). 2) Copy and pre-process the raw archive data. 2a. Go up to you working directory, and copy the raw data files for the master image from /net/winsar/T###/####/, where T### is the track number, and #### is the frame number. The file names are e#_#####*, where e# is the ERS satellite number (i.e., e1 or e2), and ##### is the orbit number. For example, to copy data from track 127, frame 2907, and ERS-1 orbit 23662, Each scene should have 3 files (extensions .raw.gz, .vdf, .ldr). Repeat for the slave image. 2b. Uncompress and prepare the raw data files for processing. Run in the same dir. This should produce subdirectories (yy=year, mm=month, dd=day) for each acquisition. 2c. Create the input process file int_date2_date1.proc, where date2 and date1 correspond to the radar acquisition dates (in yymmdd format); either copy and modify your existing *proc file, or run 3) If your area is not in Southern California, you need to make your own Digital Elevation Model (DEM). 3a. Create a directory called DEM, go there, and run , where w, e, s, and n denote the western, eastern, southern, and northern boundaries of your DEM. Make sure that the satellite frames are covered by the DEM (but don't be too generous - large DEMS take a lot of space, and slow down processing). 3b. Edit your int_*proc file to include the location of your new DEM. 4) Process the data using ROI_PAC (you've done this before!) If there are no problems with the data, you should have a geocoded unwrapped interferogram in about 1 hour. If the program fails, most likely reasons are: the focused SLC images were not successfully aligned, or the images did not have enough correlation to allow interferometry (e.g., changes in surface reflectivity are too dramatic, baseline is too large, etc.). Show me your intermediate results, or choose another area. A map showing WInSAR acquisitions is available at Your results should include: 1. A map of your area showing satellite frame(s) used. 2. Baseline plot(s). 3. Image of radar correlation (date2-date1.cor). 4. Georeferenced unwrapped interferogram. Either print-outs, or Post-Script/jpeg files would be fine.