Transects of unwrapped ALOS line-of-sight data a) ascending and b) descending. Locations of north (black) and south (blue) transects are shown in the figure above. The down-dip slip limit are marked as "inflection point". c) Smoothed topography (black line) and free-air gravity (blue line) profiles over Maule, Chile illustrating major geological features: trench axis, Chilean Coast Range, Longitudinal Valley and High Andes. d) Seismicity and fault geometry in Maule, Chile region. The black circles show the M>4 background seismicity spanning 1960-2007, whose depths are well constrained in EHB bulletin. The red star shows the epicenter of the Maule, Chile earthquake and the blue squares show the locations of the M>6 aftershocks [NEIC, 2010]. Three gray lines show the fault plane for 12°, 15°, 18° dip angles used in the slip models. Note the 12 degree dipping surface lies shallower than the epicenter and much of the background seismicity.