July 5, 2016 David Sandwell and Paul Wessel This directory contains scripts to demonstrate the usage of the gpsgridder program now installed in GMT. This demonstration is more fully described in a paper submitted to Geophysical Research Letters. Sandwell, D. T. and P. Wessel, Thin elastic sheet interpolation of 2-D vector data, submitted to Geophys. Res. Lett., July 2016. Instructions to install GMT from the latest source code can be found at: http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/projects/gmt/wiki/BuildingGMT (Note that you must deactive older versions of GMT since blockmedian has also changed in the V5.3) The three scripts to be executed are: 1) 01_prep_GPS.csh - prepares an ascii table of lon, lat, Vx, Vy, sig_x, sig_y 2) 02_grid_GPS.sh - grid the GPS data 3) 03_map_GPS.sh - make a map of the gridded vector data 4) 04__compute_strian.com - compute grids of strain rate 5) 05_cleanup.sh - clean up the mess One can also use MATLAB to do the gridding by executing: 1) 01_prep_GPS.csh - prepares an ascii table of lon, lat, Vx, Vy, sig_x, sig_y 2) run matlab (or octave) and excute test_gridder.m