Dear Roland, David, and Corne, I am a bit late in sending this, even though I ran the solution in summer of 2008. I am attaching a strain rate file. The last three columns of line (1) contain exx, eyy, exy. The last three columns of line (2) are the standard errors in exx, eyy, exy. The last three columns of line (3) are the correlation coefficients (exx,eyy), (exx,exy), (eyy,exy). I used about 4950 GPS observations (campaign and EarthScope PBO) and solved for the individual reference frames for each GPS study in the interpolation process. If you are interested, I can provide the velocity field as well. These are area averages. If you are interested, I can provide the areas. If you need a much closer spacing of points (instead of area averages) for making the plot, please let me know. Best regards, Bill