September 24, 2015 These are velocities and strain rates contributed by Zheng-Kang Shen. THere is a publication associated with these data Shen, Z. K., Wang, M., Zeng, Y., & Wang, F. (2015). Optimal interpolation of spatially discretized geodetic data. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. July 18, 2016 GPS from Zeng David and Bridget, Attached please find two files: zhen_wus_gps.dat and wus_gps_final.dat. zhen_wus_gps.dat is a cleaned version of Zhen et al. processed for the western US. wus_gps_final.dat is the zhen_wus_gps.dat combined with other regional data (like pbo, McCaffrey, reno, etc). If you have any questions, please let me know. Cheers, Yuehua By the way, I have removed the station names in the process of data vetting for the convenience of using matlab. If you need the station names, I will find a way to put them back. But the process will take few more days.