Final results for CGM V1 David Sandwell, September 5, 2016 This directory contains the average grids of vecloity and strain rate for the CGM_V1 model. The area of interest is -R-123/-114/32/37.5 and the grid spacing is 0.01 degree. The files are all netcdf readable from GMT. FILES Velocity mean and standard deviation in mm/yr ve_mean.grd ve_std.grd vn_mean.grd vn_std.grd Strain rate mean and standard deviation in nanostrain/yr exx_mean.grd exx_std.grd exy_mean.grd exy_std.grd eyy_mean.grd eyy_std.grd Topography for a larger region from SRTM15_PLUS used for graphics and masking topo.grd GMT scripts to plot the velocity and standard deviation as well as strain rate tensor i