DISPLACEMENT MODELS FOR STRIKE-SLIP FAULTS David Sandwell, July 22, 2011 All models created using SIC http://igppweb.ucsd.edu/~fialko/software.html 1) elastic parameters shear modulus 30 GPA poisson ratio 0.25 2) region X -100 km to 100 km Y -100 km to 100 km V -20 to 20 cell size 1 km by 1 km D=[-100,100,-100,100,-20,20]; 3) fault depth = 20 km 4) CASE 1 - infinitely long fault - actually +/- 400 km dip angles 90 75 60 45 width 20 20.70 23.09 28.28 output: V_90_inf.grd V_75_inf.grd V_60_inf.grd V_45_inf.grd 5) CASE 2 - 20 km long fault dip angles 90 75 60 45 width 20 20.70 23.09 28.28 output: U,V,W_90_20km.grd U,V,W_75_20km.grd U,V,W_60_20km.grd U,V,W_45_20km.grd