########################################################## coseismic slip model of 2010 Maule,Chile earthquake ########################################################## Reference: The 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake: Downdip rupture limit revealed by space geodesy Geophysical Research Letters (in press) Xiaopeng Tong, David Sandwell, Karen Luttrell, Benjamin Brooks, Michael Bevis, Masanobu Shimada, James Foster, Robert Smalley Jr., Hector Parra, Juan Carlos Báez Soto, Mauro Blanco, Eric Kendrick, Jeff Genrich, Dana J. Caccamise II ########################################################## Note that an updated slip model is availabe under JGR2011/ folder ########################################################## origin of the cartesian coordinate This origin is used when converting from local coordinate to the lat/lon coordinate from the source_center.dat and source.dat. Lon:-73 deg Lat:-36 deg fault location and geometry: xo: -69.877808 km yo: 20.084353 km zo: 0.000000 km length: 670.614969 km width: 260.000000 km dip: 15.000000 deg strike: 16.800980 deg xo, yo, zo is location of the center of the top edge of the fault plane in cartesian coordinates. More descriptions: The xo and yo are the relative location in cartesian coordinates with respect to the origin of the cartesian coordinate assuming the positive x means the center top of the fault is to the east of the origin (Lon:-73 deg Lat:-36 deg.) postive y means the center top of the fault is to the north of the origin (Lon:-73 deg Lat:-36 deg.) In this case the xo -69.877808 km means the center top of the fault is to the west of the origin -69.877808 km. the yo 20.084353 km means the center top of the fault is to the north of the origin -69.877808 km. ########################################################## Format of source.dat: x1(km) x2(km) x3(km) x4(km) y1(km) y2(km) y3(km) y4(km) strike-slip(cm) dip-slip(cm) x1,x2,x3,x4 are the along-strike location of the four corners of the rectangular fault patches. y1,y2,y3,y4 are the along-dip location of the four corners of the rectangular fault patches. strike 1---------4----> d \ \ i \ c \ p \ \ 2---------3 Each rectangular fault patches is 19.7km by 20km. strike-slip is negative, corresponding to right-lateral. dip-slip is positive, corresponding to thrust. ########################################################## Format of source_center.dat: xc(km) yc(km) strike-slip(cm) dip-slip(cm) xc, yc are the location of the center of the rectangular fault patches. Each rectangular fault patches is 19.7km by 20km. strike-slip is negative, corresponding to right-lateral. dip-slip is positive, corresponding to thrust. More descriptions: In the source.dat or source_center.dat there is no x and y coordinates only along-strike distance and along-dip distance. The along strike distance have the positive direction toward the strike direction of the fault (the fault strike direction is defined in seismology) and starts at the zero (always positive in this definition). The along dip distance have the positive direction toward the updip direction of the fault and starts at the top edge of the fault (always negative in this definition). Note the notation of xo, yo has nothing to do with the notation of x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4, xc, yc. ########################################################## slip_ll.dat is the slip model that has been interpolated using the "surface" in GMT then transformed to lon/lat coordinates. It has format: lon(deg), lat(deg), strike-slip(cm), dip-slip(cm) strike-slip is negative, corresponding to right-lateral. dip-slip is positive, corresponding to thrust. slip_mask.grd are the masked grd file of the total magnitude of slip (cm) in geographic coordinates. These files are used for making Figure 2 in the paper. Note one should use source.dat and source_center.dat to model the deformation field. The slip_ll.dat and slip_mask.grd files are easier for users who visually comparing different models from different investigators.