April 23, 2005' Accelerometer data for experiment 08 at the SIO Pier There are 4 data files (*.txyz) and 4 preliminary plots (*.jpg). The data files each contain 4 columns: time(sec) ax ay az The accelerations are in meters/seconds_squared. ax and ay are the two horizontal components and az is the vertical component. For the two experiments where the accelerometers were placed on the floating surfboard, the ax component is roughly perpendicular to the axis of the board while the ay channel is along the axis of the board. The files CH25_2 and CH26_2 where collected nearly simultaneously filename start time location CH25_2.txyz 9:15:21 PDT floating in bag CH26_2.txyz 9:18:39 bag on longboard CH25_3.txyz 9:57:16 floating in bag CH26_3.txyz 9:57:51 bag on shortboard (Note for this second experiment, the two accelerometers were close together (< 2 m) starting at 10:01:00.)