# # script to add horizontal strain rate tensor from one of the models # the units of stain rate are nanostrain/yr # grdtrack hmax_G05N30_rect_gmt.dat -G../tensor/$1_exx.grd > tmp1.dat grdtrack tmp1.dat -G../tensor/$1_eyy.grd > tmp2.dat grdtrack tmp2.dat -G../tensor/$1_exy.grd > tmp3.dat # # compute the azimuth # grdmath 2 ../tensor/$1_exy.grd MUL ../tensor/$1_exx.grd ../tensor/$1_eyy.grd SUB ATAN2 2 DIV = a.grd grdtrack tmp3.dat -Ga.grd > tmp4.dat # # compute the second invariant # awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,-57.295*$10,sqrt($7*$7+$8*$8+2*$9*$9)}' < tmp4.dat > hmax_G05N30_$1.dat # # columns of hmax_G05N30_$1.dat are: # lon lat x-scale y-scale azi azi_err exx eyy exy eazi emag # # dump the angles when the strain rate is significant and compute statistics # awk '{ if($11 > 10) print $10-$5}' < hmax_G05N30_$1.dat > azi.dat echo -n $1 "mean, std, " >> stats.dat awk '{sum+=$1; array[NR]=$1} END {for(x=1;x<=NR;x++){sumsq+=((array[x]-(sum/NR))**2);}print sum/NR, sqrt(sumsq/NR)}' < azi.dat >> stats.dat # # clean up # rm tmp* a.grd azi.dat