#!/bin/sh # PROJ="-R-121.0/-115.0/32.0/36.5 -Jm3.2" SCALE="-S500" gmtset COLOR_MODEL hsv gmtset PAPER_MEDIA letter gmtset PAGE_ORIENTATION landscape makecpt -Cgray -T-1.8/.5/.1 -D -Z > grad.cpt # # image the topo # grdimage grad.grd $PROJ -Cgrad.cpt -X1.5 -Y1.0 -K -V > $1_azi.ps # # make the vectors for the SHmax and plot # awk '{print $1, $2,sin($5*.01745328),cos($5*.01745328),"0. 0. 0."}' < hmax_G05N30_$1.dat > vec.dat psvelo vec.dat -R -W1,blue -Gblue -L -Se0.20/0/0 -Jm -O -K -A0.01/0.0/0.0 -P -V >> $1_azi.ps # # make the vectors for the strain rate and plot - also subtract the mean # awk -v mean="$4" '{print $1, $2,sin(($10-mean)*.01745328),cos(($10-mean)*.01745328),"0. 0. 0."}' < hmax_G05N30_$1.dat > vec.dat psvelo vec.dat -R -W1,green -Ggreen -L -Se0.20/0/0 -Jm -O -K -A0.01/0.0/0.0 -P -V >> $1_azi.ps # # add faults, coastlines # pscoast $PROJ -W6 -Dh -A200 -B2WSen:."$1 $2 $4 $3 $5": -O -V -N1 -N2 -K >> $1_azi.ps psxy fault_data.gmt -m $PROJ -W2 -O -V >> $1_azi.ps #