c subroutine coulomb(txx,tyy,txy,fr,pssi,rn,rs,rcl) c c input c txx - xx-component of stress (Pa) c tyy - yy-component of stress (Pa) c txy - xy-component of stress (Pa) c tzz - zz-component of stress (Pa) c fr - coefficient of friction c psi - fault orientation CCW from east (deg) c c output c rn - normal stress on fault c rs - shear stress on fault c rcl - coulomb stress in Pa c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) common/plate/rlam1,rlam2,rmu1,rmu2,rho,rc,rd,alph,pi c rad=pi/180. sp=sin(pssi*rad) s2p=sin(2.*pssi*rad) cp=cos(pssi*rad) c2p=cos(2.*pssi*rad) rn=txx*sp*sp-2*txy*sp*cp+tyy*cp*cp rs=0.5*(tyy-txx)*s2p+txy*c2p c c compute the coulomb stress c c note, normal stress is taken as negative, so subtracting normal stress c leads to adding: shear + normal (change 10/8/03) rcl=rs+fr*rn return end c