subroutine fourt (data,n,ndim,isign,iform,work,nwork) fft 1 c cooley-tukey fast fourier transform in usasi basic fortran. fft 2 c multi-dimensional transform, dimensions of arbitrary size, fft 3 c complex or real data. n points can be transformed in time fft 4 c proportional to n*log(n), whereas other methods take n**2 time. fft 5 c furthermore, less error is built up. written by norman brenner fft 6 c of mit lincoln laboratory, june 1968. fft 7 c fft 8 c dimension data(n(1),n(2),...),transform(n(1),n(2),...),n(ndim) fft 9 c transform(k1,k2,...) = sum(data(j1,j2,...)*exp(isign*2*pi*sqrt(-1)fft 10 c *((j1-1)*(k1-1)/n(1)+(j2-1)*(k2-1)/n(2)+...))), summed for all fft 11 c j1 and k1 from 1 to n(1), j2 and k2 from 1 to n(2), etc. for all fft 12 c ndim subscripts. ndim must be positive and each n(idim) may be fft 13 c any integer. isign is +1 or -1. let ntot = n(1)*n(2)... fft 14 c ...*n(ndim). then a -1 transform followed by a +1 one fft 15 c (or vice versa) returns ntot times the original data. fft 16 c iform = 1, 0 or -1, as data is complex, real or the fft 17 c first half of a complex array. transform values are fft 18 c returned to array data. they are complex, real or fft 19 c the first half of a complex array, as iform = 1, -1 or 0. fft 20 c the transform of a real array (iform = 0) dimensioned n(1) by n(2)fft 21 c by ... will be returned in the same array, now considered to fft 22 c be complex of dimensions n(1)/2+1 by n(2) by .... note that if fft 23 c iform = 0 or -1, n(1) must be even, and enough room must be fft 24 c reserved. the missing values may be obtained by complex conju- fft 25 c gation. the reverse transformation, of a half complex array fft 26 c dimensioned n(1)/2+1 by n(2) by ..., is accomplished setting iformfft 27 c to -1. in the n array, n(1) must be the true n(1), not n(1)/2+1. fft 28 c the transform will be real and returned to the input array. fft 29 c work is a one-dimensional complex array used for working storage. fft 30 c its length, nwork, need never be larger than the largest n(idim) fft 31 c and frequently may be much smaller. fourt computes the minimum fft 32 c length working storage required and checks that nwork is at least fft 33 c as long. this minimum length is ccomputed as shown below. fft 34 c fft 35 c for example-- fft 36 c dimension data(1960),work(10) fft 37 c complex data,work fft 38 c call fourt(data,1960,1,-1,+1,work,10) fft 39 c fft 40 c the multi-dimensional transform is broken down into one-dimen- fft 41 c sional transforms of length n(idim). these are further broken fft 42 c down into transforms of length ifact(if), where these are the fft 43 c prime factors of n(idim). for example, n(1) = 1960, ifact(if) = fft 44 c 2, 2, 2, 5, 7 and 7. the running time is proportional to ntot * fft 45 c sum(ifact(if)), though factors of two and three will run espe- fft 46 c cially fast. naive transform programs will run in time ntot**2. fft 47 c arrays whose size ntot is prime will run much slower than those fft 48 c with composite ntot. for example, ntot = n(1) = 1951 (a prime), fft 49 c running time will be 1951*1951, while for ntot = 1960, it will fft 50 c be 1960*(2+2+2+5+7+7), a speedup of eighty times. naive calcul- fft 51 c ation will run both in the slower time. if an array is of fft 52 c inconvenient length, simply add zeroes to pad it out. the resultsfft 53 c will be interpolated according to the new length (see below). fft 54 c fft 55 c a fourier transform of length ifact(if) requires a work array fft 56 c of that length. therefore, nwork must be as big as the largest fft 57 c prime factor. further, work is needed for digit reversal-- fft 58 c each n(idim) (but n(1)/2 if iform = 0 or -1) is factored symmetri-fft 59 c cally, and nwork must be as big as the center factor. (to factor fft 60 c symmetrically, separate pairs of identical factors to the flanks, fft 61 c combining all leftovers in the center.) for example, n(1) = 1960 fft 62 c =2*2*2*5*7*7=2*7*10*7*2, so nwork must at least max(7,10) = 10. fft 63 c fft 64 c an upper bound for the rms relative error is given by gentleman fft 65 c and sande (3)-- 3 * 2**(-b) * sum(f**1.5), where 2**(-b) is the fft 66 c smallest bit in the floating point fraction and the sum is over fft 67 c the prime factors of ntot. fft 68 c fft 69 c if the input data are a time series, with index j representing fft 70 c a time (j-1)*deltat, then the corresponding index k in the fft 71 c transform represents the frequency (k-1)*2*pi/(n*deltat), which fft 72 c by periodicity, is the same as frequency -(n-k+1)*2*pi/(n*deltat).fft 73 c this is true for n = each n(idim) independently. fft 74 c fft 75 c references-- fft 76 c 1. cooley, j.w. and tukey, j.w., an algorithm for the machine fft 77 c calculation of complex fourier series. math. comp., 19, 90, fft 78 c (april 1967), 297-301. fft 79 c 2. rader, c., et al., what is the fast fourier transform, ieee fft 80 c transactions on audio and electroacoustics, au-15, 2 (june 1967). fft 81 c (special issue on the fast fourier transform and its applications)fft 82 c 3. gentleman, w.m. and sande, g., fast fourier transforms-- fft 83 c for fun and profit. 1966 fall joint comp. conf., spartan books, fft 84 c washington, 1966. fft 85 c 4. goertzel, g., an algorithm for the evaluation of finite fft 86 c trigonometric series. am. math. mo., 65, (1958), 34-35. fft 87 c 5. singleton, r.c., a method for computing the fast fourier fft 88 c transform with auxiliary memory and limited high-speed storage. fft 89 c in (2). fft 90 dimension data(1), n(1), work(1), ifsym(32), ifcnt(10), ifact(32) fft 91 if (iform) 10,10,40 fft 92 10 if (n(1)-2*(n(1)/2)) 20,40,20 fft 93 20 continue c20 write (6,30) iform,(n(idim),idim=1,ndim) fft 94 c30 format ('error in fourt. iform = ',i2,'(real or half-complex)' c $' but n(1) is not even./14h dimensions = ',20i5) fft 96 return fft 97 40 ntot=1 fft 98 do 50 idim=1,ndim fft 99 50 ntot=ntot*n(idim) fft 100 nrem=ntot fft 101 if (iform) 60,70,70 fft 102 60 nrem=1 fft 103 ntot=(ntot/n(1))*(n(1)/2+1) fft 104 c loop over all dimensions. fft 105 70 do 230 jdim=1,ndim fft 106 if (iform) 80,90,90 fft 107 80 idim=ndim+1-jdim fft 108 go to 100 fft 109 90 idim=jdim fft 110 nrem=nrem/n(idim) fft 111 100 ncurr=n(idim) fft 112 if (idim-1) 110,110,140 fft 113 110 if (iform) 120,130,140 fft 114 120 call fixrl (data,n(1),nrem,isign,iform) fft 115 ntot=(ntot/(n(1)/2+1))*n(1) fft 116 130 ncurr=ncurr/2 fft 117 140 if (ncurr-1) 190,190,150 fft 118 c factor n(idim), the length of this dimension. fft 119 150 call factr (ncurr,ifact,nfact) fft 120 ifmax=ifact(nfact) fft 121 c arrange the factors symmetrically for simpler digit reversal. fft 122 call smfac (ifact,nfact,isym,ifsym,nfsym,icent,ifcnt,nfcnt) fft 123 ifmax=max0(ifmax,icent) fft 124 if (ifmax-nwork) 180,180,160 fft 125 160 continue c 160 write (6,170) nwork,idim,ncurr,icent,(ifact(if),if=1,nfact) fft 126 c 170 format (26h0error in fourt. nwork = ,i4,20h is too small for n(, fft 127 c $i1,4h) = ,i5,17h, whose center = ,i4,31h, and whose prime factors fft 128 c $are--/(1x,20i5)) fft 129 return fft 130 180 nprev=ntot/(n(idim)*nrem) fft 131 c digit reverse on symmetric factors, for example 2*7*6*7*2. fft 132 call symrv (data,nprev,ncurr,nrem,ifsym,nfsym) fft 133 c digit reverse the asymmetric center, for example, on 6 = 2*3. fft 134 call asmrv (data,nprev*isym,icent,isym*nrem,ifcnt,nfcnt,work) fft 135 c fourier transform on each factor, for example, on 2,7,2,3,7 and 2.fft 136 call cool (data,nprev,ncurr,nrem,isign,ifact,work) fft 137 190 if (iform) 200,210,230 fft 138 200 nrem=nrem*n(idim) fft 139 go to 230 fft 140 210 if (idim-1) 220,220,230 fft 141 220 call fixrl (data,n(1),nrem,isign,iform) fft 142 ntot=ntot/n(1)*(n(1)/2+1) fft 143 230 continue fft 144 return fft 145 end fft 146- subroutine asmrv (data,nprev,n,nrem,ifact,nfact,work) asm 1 c shuffle the data array by reversing the digits of one index. asm 2 c the operation is the same as in symrv, except that the factors asm 3 c need not be symmetrically arranged, i.e., generally ifact(if) not=asm 4 c ifact(nfact+1-if). consequently, a work array of length n is asm 5 c needed. asm 6 dimension data(1), work(1), ifact(1) asm 7 if (nfact-1) 60,60,10 asm 8 10 ip0=2 asm 9 ip1=ip0*nprev asm 10 ip4=ip1*n asm 11 ip5=ip4*nrem asm 12 do 50 i1=1,ip1,ip0 asm 13 do 50 i5=i1,ip5,ip4 asm 14 iwork=1 asm 15 i4rev=i5 asm 16 i4max=i5+ip4-ip1 asm 17 do 40 i4=i5,i4max,ip1 asm 18 work(iwork)=data(i4rev) asm 19 work(iwork+1)=data(i4rev+1) asm 20 ip3=ip4 asm 21 do 30 if=1,nfact asm 22 ip2=ip3/ifact(if) asm 23 i4rev=i4rev+ip2 asm 24 if (i4rev-ip3-i5) 40,20,20 asm 25 20 i4rev=i4rev-ip3 asm 26 30 ip3=ip2 asm 27 40 iwork=iwork+ip0 asm 28 iwork=1 asm 29 do 50 i4=i5,i4max,ip1 asm 30 data(i4)=work(iwork) asm 31 data(i4+1)=work(iwork+1) asm 32 50 iwork=iwork+ip0 asm 33 60 return asm 34 end asm 35- subroutine cool (data,nprev,n,nrem,isign,ifact,work) coo 1 c fourier transform of length n. in place cooley-tukey method, coo 2 c digit-reversed to normal order, sande-tukey factoring (2). coo 3 c dimension data(nprev,n,nrem) coo 4 c complex data coo 5 c data(i1,j2,i3) = sum(data(i1,i2,i3)*exp(isign*2*pi*i*((i2-1)* coo 6 c (j2-1)/n))), summed over i2 = 1 to n for all i1 from 1 to nprev, coo 7 c j2 from 1 to n and i3 from 1 to nrem. the factors of n are given coo 8 c in any order in array ifact. factors of two are done in pairs coo 9 c as much as possible (fourier transform of length four), factors ofcoo 10 c three are done separately, and all factors five or higher coo 11 c are done by goertzel's algorithm (4). coo 12 dimension data(1), work(1), ifact(1) coo 13 twopi=6.283185307*float(isign) coo 14 ip0=2 coo 15 ip1=ip0*nprev coo 16 ip4=ip1*n coo 17 ip5=ip4*nrem coo 18 if=0 coo 19 ip2=ip1 coo 20 10 if (ip2-ip4) 20,240,240 coo 21 20 if=if+1 coo 22 ifcur=ifact(if) coo 23 if (ifcur-2) 60,30,60 coo 24 30 if (4*ip2-ip4) 40,40,60 coo 25 40 if (ifact(if+1)-2) 60,50,60 coo 26 50 if=if+1 coo 27 ifcur=4 coo 28 60 ip3=ip2*ifcur coo 29 theta=twopi/float(ifcur) coo 30 sinth=sin(theta/2.) coo 31 rootr=-2.*sinth*sinth coo 32 c cos(theta)-1, for accuracy. coo 33 rooti=sin(theta) coo 34 theta=twopi/float(ip3/ip1) coo 35 sinth=sin(theta/2.) coo 36 wstpr=-2.*sinth*sinth coo 37 wstpi=sin(theta) coo 38 wr=1. coo 39 wi=0. coo 40 do 230 i2=1,ip2,ip1 coo 41 if (ifcur-4) 70,70,210 coo 42 70 if ((i2-1)*(ifcur-2)) 240,90,80 coo 43 80 w2r=wr*wr-wi*wi coo 44 w2i=2.*wr*wi coo 45 w3r=w2r*wr-w2i*wi coo 46 w3i=w2r*wi+w2i*wr coo 47 90 i1max=i2+ip1-ip0 coo 48 do 200 i1=i2,i1max,ip0 coo 49 do 200 i5=i1,ip5,ip3 coo 50 j0=i5 coo 51 j1=j0+ip2 coo 52 j2=j1+ip2 coo 53 j3=j2+ip2 coo 54 if (i2-1) 140,140,100 coo 55 100 if (ifcur-3) 130,120,110 coo 56 c apply the phase shift factors coo 57 110 tempr=data(j3) coo 58 data(j3)=w3r*tempr-w3i*data(j3+1) coo 59 data(j3+1)=w3r*data(j3+1)+w3i*tempr coo 60 tempr=data(j2) coo 61 data(j2)=wr*tempr-wi*data(j2+1) coo 62 data(j2+1)=wr*data(j2+1)+wi*tempr coo 63 tempr=data(j1) coo 64 data(j1)=w2r*tempr-w2i*data(j1+1) coo 65 data(j1+1)=w2r*data(j1+1)+w2i*tempr coo 66 go to 140 coo 67 120 tempr=data(j2) coo 68 data(j2)=w2r*tempr-w2i*data(j2+1) coo 69 data(j2+1)=w2r*data(j2+1)+w2i*tempr coo 70 130 tempr=data(j1) coo 71 data(j1)=wr*tempr-wi*data(j1+1) coo 72 data(j1+1)=wr*data(j1+1)+wi*tempr coo 73 140 if (ifcur-3) 150,160,170 coo 74 c do a fourier transform of length two coo 75 150 tempr=data(j1) coo 76 tempi=data(j1+1) coo 77 data(j1)=data(j0)-tempr coo 78 data(j1+1)=data(j0+1)-tempi coo 79 data(j0)=data(j0)+tempr coo 80 data(j0+1)=data(j0+1)+tempi coo 81 go to 200 coo 82 c do a fourier transform of length three coo 83 160 sumr=data(j1)+data(j2) coo 84 sumi=data(j1+1)+data(j2+1) coo 85 tempr=data(j0)-.5*sumr coo 86 tempi=data(j0+1)-.5*sumi coo 87 data(j0)=data(j0)+sumr coo 88 data(j0+1)=data(j0+1)+sumi coo 89 difr=rooti*(data(j2+1)-data(j1+1)) coo 90 difi=rooti*(data(j1)-data(j2)) coo 91 data(j1)=tempr+difr coo 92 data(j1+1)=tempi+difi coo 93 data(j2)=tempr-difr coo 94 data(j2+1)=tempi-difi coo 95 go to 200 coo 96 c do a fourier transform of length four (from bit reversed order) coo 97 170 t0r=data(j0)+data(j1) coo 98 t0i=data(j0+1)+data(j1+1) coo 99 t1r=data(j0)-data(j1) coo 100 t1i=data(j0+1)-data(j1+1) coo 101 t2r=data(j2)+data(j3) coo 102 t2i=data(j2+1)+data(j3+1) coo 103 t3r=data(j2)-data(j3) coo 104 t3i=data(j2+1)-data(j3+1) coo 105 data(j0)=t0r+t2r coo 106 data(j0+1)=t0i+t2i coo 107 data(j2)=t0r-t2r coo 108 data(j2+1)=t0i-t2i coo 109 if (isign) 180,180,190 coo 110 180 t3r=-t3r coo 111 t3i=-t3i coo 112 190 data(j1)=t1r-t3i coo 113 data(j1+1)=t1i+t3r coo 114 data(j3)=t1r+t3i coo 115 data(j3+1)=t1i-t3r coo 116 200 continue coo 117 go to 220 coo 118 c do a fourier transform of length five or more coo 119 210 call goert (data(i2),nprev,ip2/ip1,ifcur,ip5/ip3,work,wr,wi,rootr,coo 120 $rooti) coo 121 220 tempr=wr coo 122 wr=wstpr*tempr-wstpi*wi+tempr coo 123 230 wi=wstpr*wi+wstpi*tempr+wi coo 124 ip2=ip3 coo 125 go to 10 coo 126 240 return coo 127 end coo 128- subroutine factr (n,ifact,nfact) fac 1 c factor n into its prime factors, nfact in number. for example, fac 2 c for n = 1960, nfact = 6 and ifact(if) = 2, 2, 2, 5, 7 and 7. fac 3 dimension ifact(1) fac 4 if=0 fac 5 npart=n fac 6 do 50 id=1,n,2 fac 7 idiv=id fac 8 if (id-1) 10,10,20 fac 9 10 idiv=2 fac 10 20 iquot=npart/idiv fac 11 if (npart-idiv*iquot) 40,30,40 fac 12 30 if=if+1 fac 13 ifact(if)=idiv fac 14 npart=iquot fac 15 go to 20 fac 16 40 if (iquot-idiv) 60,60,50 fac 17 50 continue fac 18 60 if (npart-1) 80,80,70 fac 19 70 if=if+1 fac 20 ifact(if)=npart fac 21 80 nfact=if fac 22 return fac 23 end fac 24- subroutine fixrl (data,n,nrem,isign,iform) fix 1 c for iform = 0, convert the transform of a doubled-up real array, fix 2 c considered complex, into its true transform. supply only the fix 3 c first half of the complex transform, as the second half has fix 4 c conjugate symmetry. for iform = -1, convert the first half fix 5 c of the true transform into the transform of a doubled-up real fix 6 c array. n must be even. fix 7 c using complex notation and subscripts starting at zero, the fix 8 c transformation is-- fix 9 c dimension data(n,nrem) fix 10 c zstp = exp(isign*2*pi*i/n) fix 11 c do 10 i2=0,nrem-1 fix 12 c data(0,i2) = conj(data(0,i2))*(1+i) fix 13 c do 10 i1=1,n/4 fix 14 c z = (1+(2*iform+1)*i*zstp**i1)/2 fix 15 c i1cnj = n/2-i1 fix 16 c dif = data(i1,i2)-conj(data(i1cnj,i2)) fix 17 c temp = z*dif fix 18 c data(i1,i2) = (data(i1,i2)-temp)*(1-iform) fix 19 c 10 data(i1cnj,i2) = (data(i1cnj,i2)+conj(temp))*(1-iform) fix 20 c if i1=i1cnj, the calculation for that value collapses into fix 21 c a simple conjugation of data(i1,i2). fix 22 dimension data(1) fix 23 twopi=6.283185307*float(isign) fix 24 ip0=2 fix 25 ip1=ip0*(n/2) fix 26 ip2=ip1*nrem fix 27 if (iform) 10,70,70 fix 28 c pack the real input values (two per column) fix 29 10 j1=ip1+1 fix 30 data(2)=data(j1) fix 31 if (nrem-1) 70,70,20 fix 32 20 j1=j1+ip0 fix 33 i2min=ip1+1 fix 34 do 60 i2=i2min,ip2,ip1 fix 35 data(i2)=data(j1) fix 36 j1=j1+ip0 fix 37 if (n-2) 50,50,30 fix 38 30 i1min=i2+ip0 fix 39 i1max=i2+ip1-ip0 fix 40 do 40 i1=i1min,i1max,ip0 fix 41 data(i1)=data(j1) fix 42 data(i1+1)=data(j1+1) fix 43 40 j1=j1+ip0 fix 44 50 data(i2+1)=data(j1) fix 45 60 j1=j1+ip0 fix 46 70 do 80 i2=1,ip2,ip1 fix 47 tempr=data(i2) fix 48 data(i2)=data(i2)+data(i2+1) fix 49 80 data(i2+1)=tempr-data(i2+1) fix 50 if (n-2) 200,200,90 fix 51 90 theta=twopi/float(n) fix 52 sinth=sin(theta/2.) fix 53 zstpr=-2.*sinth*sinth fix 54 zstpi=sin(theta) fix 55 zr=(1.-zstpi)/2. fix 56 zi=(1.+zstpr)/2. fix 57 if (iform) 100,110,110 fix 58 100 zr=1.-zr fix 59 zi=-zi fix 60 110 i1min=ip0+1 fix 61 i1max=ip0*(n/4)+1 fix 62 do 190 i1=i1min,i1max,ip0 fix 63 do 180 i2=i1,ip2,ip1 fix 64 i2cnj=ip0*(n/2+1)-2*i1+i2 fix 65 if (i2-i2cnj) 150,120,120 fix 66 120 if (isign*(2*iform+1)) 130,140,140 fix 67 130 data(i2+1)=-data(i2+1) fix 68 140 if (iform) 170,180,180 fix 69 150 difr=data(i2)-data(i2cnj) fix 70 difi=data(i2+1)+data(i2cnj+1) fix 71 tempr=difr*zr-difi*zi fix 72 tempi=difr*zi+difi*zr fix 73 data(i2)=data(i2)-tempr fix 74 data(i2+1)=data(i2+1)-tempi fix 75 data(i2cnj)=data(i2cnj)+tempr fix 76 data(i2cnj+1)=data(i2cnj+1)-tempi fix 77 if (iform) 160,180,180 fix 78 160 data(i2cnj)=data(i2cnj)+data(i2cnj) fix 79 data(i2cnj+1)=data(i2cnj+1)+data(i2cnj+1) fix 80 170 data(i2)=data(i2)+data(i2) fix 81 data(i2+1)=data(i2+1)+data(i2+1) fix 82 180 continue fix 83 tempr=zr-.5 fix 84 zr=zstpr*tempr-zstpi*zi+zr fix 85 190 zi=zstpr*zi+zstpi*tempr+zi fix 86 c recursion saves time, at a slight loss in accuracy. if available,fix 87 c use double precision to compute zr and zi. fix 88 200 if (iform) 270,210,210 fix 89 c unpack the real transform values (two per column) fix 90 210 i2=ip2+1 fix 91 i1=i2 fix 92 j1=ip0*(n/2+1)*nrem+1 fix 93 go to 250 fix 94 220 data(j1)=data(i1) fix 95 data(j1+1)=data(i1+1) fix 96 i1=i1-ip0 fix 97 j1=j1-ip0 fix 98 230 if (i2-i1) 220,240,240 fix 99 240 data(j1)=data(i1) fix 100 data(j1+1)=0. fix 101 250 i2=i2-ip1 fix 102 j1=j1-ip0 fix 103 data(j1)=data(i2+1) fix 104 data(j1+1)=0. fix 105 i1=i1-ip0 fix 106 j1=j1-ip0 fix 107 if (i2-1) 260,260,230 fix 108 260 data(2)=0. fix 109 270 return fix 110 end fix 111- subroutine goert(data,nprev,iprod,ifact,irem,work,wminr,wmini, goe 1 $ rootr,rooti) goe 2 c phase-shifted fourier transform of length ifact by the goertzel goe 3 c algorithm (4). ifact must be odd and at least 5. further speed goe 4 c is gained by computing two transform values at the same time. goe 5 c dimension data(nprev,iprod,ifact,irem) goe 6 c data(i1,1,j3,i5) = sum(data(i1,1,i3,i5) * w**(i3-1)), summed goe 7 c over i3 = 1 to ifact for all i1 from 1 to nprev, j3 from 1 to goe 8 c ifact and i5 from 1 to irem. goe 9 c w = wmin * exp(isign*2*pi*i*(j3-1)/ifact). goe 10 dimension data(1), work(1) goe 11 ip0=2 goe 12 ip1=ip0*nprev goe 13 ip2=ip1*iprod goe 14 ip3=ip2*ifact goe 15 ip5=ip3*irem goe 16 if (wmini) 10,40,10 goe 17 c apply the phase shift factors goe 18 10 wr=wminr goe 19 wi=wmini goe 20 i3min=1+ip2 goe 21 do 30 i3=i3min,ip3,ip2 goe 22 i1max=i3+ip1-ip0 goe 23 do 20 i1=i3,i1max,ip0 goe 24 do 20 i5=i1,ip5,ip3 goe 25 tempr=data(i5) goe 26 data(i5)=wr*tempr-wi*data(i5+1) goe 27 20 data(i5+1)=wr*data(i5+1)+wi*tempr goe 28 tempr=wr goe 29 wr=wminr*tempr-wmini*wi goe 30 30 wi=wminr*wi+wmini*tempr goe 31 40 do 90 i1=1,ip1,ip0 goe 32 do 90 i5=i1,ip5,ip3 goe 33 c straight summation for the first term goe 34 sumr=0. goe 35 sumi=0. goe 36 i3max=i5+ip3-ip2 goe 37 do 50 i3=i5,i3max,ip2 goe 38 sumr=sumr+data(i3) goe 39 50 sumi=sumi+data(i3+1) goe 40 work(1)=sumr goe 41 work(2)=sumi goe 42 wr=rootr+1. goe 43 wi=rooti goe 44 iwmin=1+ip0 goe 45 iwmax=ip0*((ifact+1)/2)-1 goe 46 do 80 iwork=iwmin,iwmax,ip0 goe 47 twowr=wr+wr goe 48 i3=i3max goe 49 oldsr=0. goe 50 oldsi=0. goe 51 sumr=data(i3) goe 52 sumi=data(i3+1) goe 53 i3=i3-ip2 goe 54 60 tempr=sumr goe 55 tempi=sumi goe 56 sumr=twowr*sumr-oldsr+data(i3) goe 57 sumi=twowr*sumi-oldsi+data(i3+1) goe 58 oldsr=tempr goe 59 oldsi=tempi goe 60 i3=i3-ip2 goe 61 if (i3-i5) 70,70,60 goe 62 c in a fourier transform the w corresponding to the point at k goe 63 c is the conjugate of that at ifact-k (that is, exp(twopi*i* goe 64 c k/ifact) = conj(exp(twopi*i*(ifact-k)/ifact))). since the goe 65 c main loop of goertzels algorithm is indifferent to the imaginary goe 66 c part of w, it need be supplied only at the end. goe 67 70 tempr=-wi*sumi goe 68 tempi=wi*sumr goe 69 sumr=wr*sumr-oldsr+data(i3) goe 70 sumi=wr*sumi-oldsi+data(i3+1) goe 71 work(iwork)=sumr+tempr goe 72 work(iwork+1)=sumi+tempi goe 73 iwcnj=ip0*(ifact+1)-iwork goe 74 work(iwcnj)=sumr-tempr goe 75 work(iwcnj+1)=sumi-tempi goe 76 c singleton's recursion, for accuracy and speed (5). goe 77 tempr=wr goe 78 wr=wr*rootr-wi*rooti+wr goe 79 80 wi=tempr*rooti+wi*rootr+wi goe 80 iwork=1 goe 81 do 90 i3=i5,i3max,ip2 goe 82 data(i3)=work(iwork) goe 83 data(i3+1)=work(iwork+1) goe 84 90 iwork=iwork+ip0 goe 85 return goe 86 end goe 87- subroutine smfac (ifact,nfact,isym,ifsym,nfsym,icent,ifcnt,nfcnt) smf 1 c rearrange the prime factors of n into a square and a non- smf 2 c square. n = isym*icent*isym, where icent is square-free. smf 3 c isym = ifsym(1)*...*ifsym(nfsym), each a prime factor. smf 4 c icent = ifcnt(1)*...*ifcnt(nfcnt), each a prime factor. smf 5 c for example, n = 1960 = 14*10*14. then isym = 14, icent = 10, smf 6 c nfsym = 2, nfcnt = 2, nfact = 6, ifsym(ifs) = 2, 7, ifcnt(ifc) = smf 7 c 2, 5 and ifact(if) = 2, 7, 2, 5, 7, 2. smf 8 dimension ifsym(1), ifcnt(1), ifact(1) smf 9 isym=1 smf 10 icent=1 smf 11 ifs=0 smf 12 ifc=0 smf 13 if=1 smf 14 10 if (if-nfact) 20,40,50 smf 15 20 if (ifact(if)-ifact(if+1)) 40,30,40 smf 16 30 ifs=ifs+1 smf 17 ifsym(ifs)=ifact(if) smf 18 isym=ifact(if)*isym smf 19 if=if+2 smf 20 go to 10 smf 21 40 ifc=ifc+1 smf 22 ifcnt(ifc)=ifact(if) smf 23 icent=ifact(if)*icent smf 24 if=if+1 smf 25 go to 10 smf 26 50 nfsym=ifs smf 27 nfcnt=ifc smf 28 nfsm2=2*nfsym smf 29 nfact=2*nfsym+nfcnt smf 30 if (nfcnt) 80,80,60 smf 31 60 nfsm2=nfsm2+1 smf 32 ifsym(nfsym+1)=icent smf 33 do 70 ifc=1,nfcnt smf 34 if=nfsym+ifc smf 35 70 ifact(if)=ifcnt(ifc) smf 36 80 if (nfsym) 110,110,90 smf 37 90 do 100 ifs=1,nfsym smf 38 ifscj=nfsm2+1-ifs smf 39 ifsym(ifscj)=ifsym(ifs) smf 40 ifact(ifs)=ifsym(ifs) smf 41 ifcnj=nfact+1-ifs smf 42 100 ifact(ifcnj)=ifsym(ifs) smf 43 110 nfsym=nfsm2 smf 44 return smf 45 end smf 46- subroutine symrv (data,nprev,n,nrem,ifact,nfact) sym 1 c shuffle the data array by reversing the digits of one index. sym 2 c dimension data(nprev,n,nrem) sym 3 c replace data(i1,i2,i3) by data(i1,i2rev,i3) for all i1 from 1 to sym 4 c nprev, i2 from 1 to n and i3 from 1 to nrem. i2rev-1 is the sym 5 c integer whose digit representation in the multi-radix notation sym 6 c of factors ifact(if) is the reverse of the representation of i2-1.sym 7 c for example, if all ifact(if) = 2, i2-1 = 11001, i2rev-1 = 10011. sym 8 c the factors must be symmetrically arranged, i.e., ifact(if) = sym 9 c ifact(nfact+1-if). sym 10 dimension data(1), ifact(1) sym 11 if (nfact-1) 80,80,10 sym 12 10 ip0=2 sym 13 ip1=ip0*nprev sym 14 ip4=ip1*n sym 15 ip5=ip4*nrem sym 16 i4rev=1 sym 17 do 70 i4=1,ip4,ip1 sym 18 if (i4-i4rev) 20,40,40 sym 19 20 i1max=i4+ip1-ip0 sym 20 do 30 i1=i4,i1max,ip0 sym 21 do 30 i5=i1,ip5,ip4 sym 22 i5rev=i4rev+i5-i4 sym 23 tempr=data(i5) tempi=data(i5+1) sym 25 data(i5)=data(i5rev) sym 26 data(i5+1)=data(i5rev+1) sym 27 data(i5rev)=tempr sym 28 30 data(i5rev+1)=tempi sym 29 40 ip3=ip4 sym 30 do 60 if=1,nfact sym 31 ip2=ip3/ifact(if) sym 32 i4rev=i4rev+ip2 sym 33 if (i4rev-ip3) 70,70,50 sym 34 50 i4rev=i4rev-ip3 sym 35 60 ip3=ip2 sym 36 70 continue sym 37 80 return sym 38 end sym 39-