/* MGD-77 Data Record Field Defaults: * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 by P. Wessel and M. T. Chandler * * See COPYING file for copying and redistribution conditions. Name, Abbrev, Start, Length, FortranCode, Factor, readMGD77, order, printMGD77, printVALS, Not_given */ { "Data Record Type", "drt", 1, 1, "int", 1, "%1d", 1, "%1d", NULL, "9" }, { "Time Zone Correction", "tz", 10, 3, "int", 1, "%03d", 3, "%+03d", NULL, "+99" }, { "Year", "year", 13, 4, "int", 1, "%04d", 4, "%04d", NULL, "9999" }, { "Month", "month", 17, 2, "int", 1, "%02d", 5, "%02d", NULL, "99" }, { "Day of Month", "day", 19, 2, "int", 1, "%02d", 6, "%02d", NULL, "99" }, { "Hour", "hour", 21, 2, "int", 1, "%02d", 7, "%02d", NULL, "99" }, { "Minutes", "min", 23, 5, "real", 1000, "%05d", 8, "%05d", NULL, "99999" }, { "Latitude", "lat", 28, 8, "real", 100000, "%08d", 9, "%+08d", "%9.5f", "+9999999" }, { "Longitude", "lon", 36, 9, "real", 100000, "%09d", 10, "%+09d", "%10.5f", "+99999999" }, { "Position Type Code", "ptc", 45, 1, "int", 1, "%1d", 11, "%1d", NULL, "9" }, { "Bathymetry Two-Way Travel-Time", "twt", 46, 6, "real", 10000, "%06d", 12, "%06d", "%7.4f", "999999" }, { "Bathymetry Corrected Depth", "depth", 52, 6, "real", 10, "%06d", 13, "%06d", "%7.1f", "999999" }, { "Bathymetry Correction Code", "bcc", 58, 2, "int", 1, "%02d", 14, "%02d", NULL, "99" }, { "Bathymetry Type Code", "btc", 60, 1, "int", 1, "%1d", 15, "%1d", NULL, "9" }, { "Magnetics First Sensor Total Field", "mtf1", 61, 6, "real", 10, "%06d", 16, "%06d", "%7.1f", "999999" }, { "Magnetics Second Sensor Total Field", "mtf2", 67, 6, "real", 10, "%06d", 17, "%06d", "%7.1f", "999999" }, { "Magnetics Residual Field", "mag", 73, 6, "real", 10, "%06d", 18, "%+06d", "%7.1f", "+99999" }, { "Magnetics Sensor For Residual Field", "msens", 79, 1, "int", 1, "%1d", 19, "%1d", NULL, "9" }, { "Magnetics Diurnal Correction", "diur", 80, 5, "real", 10, "%05d", 20, "%+05d", "%6.1f", "+9999" }, { "Magnetics Sensor Depth or Altitude", "msd", 85, 6, "int", 1, "%06d", 21, "%+06d", "%7d", "+99999" }, { "Gravity Observed", "gobs", 91, 7, "real", 10, "%07d", 22, "%07d", "%8.1f", "9999999" }, { "Gravity Eotvos Correction", "eot", 98, 6, "real", 10, "%06d", 23, "%+06d", "%7.1f", "+99999" }, { "Gravity Free-Air Anomaly", "faa", 104, 5, "real", 10, "%05d", 24, "%+05d", "%6.1f", "+9999" }, { "Navigation Quality Code", "nqc", 120, 1, "int", 1, "%1d", 27, "%1d", NULL, "9" }, { "Survey ID", "id", 2, 8, "char", FALSE, "%8s", 2, "%-8s", NULL, "99999999" }, { "Seismic Line Number", "sln", 109, 5, "char", FALSE, "%5s", 25, "%-5s", NULL, "99999" }, { "Seismic Shot-Point Number", "sspn", 114, 6, "char", FALSE, "%6s", 26, "%-6s", NULL, "999999" }