c-----Program to produce a utm for a given lat, lon pair common /consts/ PI, FOURTHPI, deg2rad, rad2deg common /ellipses/ ellipsnum(24), ellipsname(24), ell_eqrad(24), ell_eccsq(24) integer ellipsnum character*20 ellipsname real*8 ell_eqrad real*8 ell_eccsq real*8 PI real*8 FOURTHPI real*8 deg2rad real*8 rad2deg real*8 Lat real*8 Long real*8 UTMNorthing real*8 UTMEasting real*8 topo integer RefEllipsoid character UTMZone integer Zonenumber character*80 cLat, cLong call constants c c 24 is WGS-84. c RefEllipsoid = 24 c c process all the data c 10 read(*,*,end=999)Long,Lat,topo call lltoutm(RefEllipsoid, Lat, Long, + UTMNorthing, UTMEasting, UTMZone, ZoneNumber) write(*,*)UTMEasting,UTMNorthing,topo go to 10 999 stop end