// !$*UTF8*$! { 28056DEC08A6CD89007C52A7 = { fRef = 93AAA72907F25F6B001FE48C; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "GmtShipTrackRecord.m: 211"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 5366; rType = 0; vrLen = 123; vrLoc = 5447; }; 2806A65308B13F590062B4A4 = { fRef = 2842275B081F30AC00E436EC; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = Opaque; rLen = 6; rLoc = 629; rType = 0; vrLen = 979; vrLoc = 0; }; 2806A69108B159000062B4A4 = { fRef = 661A74BB020DE1BA00A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "GraphView.h: 8"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 176; rType = 0; vrLen = 943; vrLoc = 867; }; 2806A69208B159000062B4A4 = { fRef = 2896534E081F39D700D8F7D9; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "#import \"NavController.h\""; rLen = 26; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 160; vrLoc = 0; }; 2806A69308B159000062B4A4 = { fRef = 662FE7A00216289600A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "- (void)openDocument:(id)sender"; rLen = 32; rLoc = 739; rType = 0; vrLen = 873; vrLoc = 465; }; 2807FAF4089EFD6300A6AD5E = { fRef = 2896534E081F39D700D8F7D9; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "#import \"NavController.h\""; rLen = 26; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 63; vrLoc = 0; }; 2824B4E308B2B897001B9448 = { fRef = 28F1022B082080F600CE8261; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "return;"; rLen = 8; rLoc = 1278; rType = 0; vrLen = 978; vrLoc = 769; }; 282726AD08B67FB90073827A = { fRef = 662C439102177D1600A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = displayIfNeeded; rLen = 15; rLoc = 940; rType = 0; vrLen = 570; vrLoc = 709; }; 2827FD54085128A10040016E = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{96, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{77, 504}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 2827FD55085128A10040016E = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{97, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{406, 63}, {769, 978}}"; }; }; 282AF6C408AD6C7A00BCF317 = { fRef = 661A74BC020DE1BA00A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "ell doub"; rLen = 8; rLoc = 2993; rType = 0; vrLen = 863; vrLoc = 2488; }; 282E6CEF08A6EACB00EDA1B4 = { children = ( 282E6D3308A7DF9F00EDA1B4, ); isa = PBXBookmarkGroup; name = Root; }; 282E6D0A08A7DDA100EDA1B4 = { fRef = 93AAA72707F25F6B001FE48C; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "GmtShipTrack.m: extent:"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 10434; rType = 0; vrLen = 334; vrLoc = 8992; }; 282E6D3308A7DF9F00EDA1B4 = { fRef = 29B97319FDCFA39411CA2CEA; isa = PBXBookmark; name = "MainMenu.nib (English)"; }; 283AFBF50899AC2B004757EC = { isa = PBXSymbolicBreakpoint; state = 2; symbolName = ""; }; 2842275A081F30AC00E436EC = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {765, 404}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{282, 14}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {765, 404}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{176, 468}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 2842275B081F30AC00E436EC = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {765, 1526}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{564, 10}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {765, 404}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{229, 471}, {904, 1059}}"; }; }; 2842A2470855239100FE8F17 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{0, 97}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{199, 447}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 2842A2480855239100FE8F17 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{97, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{176, 468}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 2842A24D085523C800FE8F17 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{0, 97}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{874, 140}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 2842A24E085523C800FE8F17 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {662, 756}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{676, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 98}, {439, 420}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{1236, 315}, {738, 1202}}"; }; }; 2842A26F0855255F00FE8F17 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{0, 97}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{628, 332}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 2842A2700855255F00FE8F17 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {878, 3080}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{672, 39}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 83}, {850, 660}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{47, 180}, {862, 1360}}"; }; }; 2843BFA008AD218E00CC2C87 = { fRef = 663750D10224BF0900A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "ZoomScrollView.m: 30"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 644; rType = 0; vrLen = 1002; vrLoc = 0; }; 2843BFA108AD218E00CC2C87 = { fRef = 663750D10224BF0900A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "ZoomScrollView.m: 30"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 644; rType = 0; vrLen = 1002; vrLoc = 0; }; 28470AB608B2AF9300064BF4 = { fRef = 93AAA72907F25F6B001FE48C; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "GmtShipTrackRecord.m: 197"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 5366; rType = 0; vrLen = 1220; vrLoc = 3668; }; 28470AB908B2AF9300064BF4 = { fRef = 28B595F1081F1AA100E72E32; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Info-GmtEdit__Upgraded_.plist: 12"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 415; rType = 0; vrLen = 1082; vrLoc = 0; }; 28470AC008B2AF9300064BF4 = { fRef = 28B595F1081F1AA100E72E32; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Info-GmtEdit__Upgraded_.plist: 12"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 415; rType = 0; vrLen = 1082; vrLoc = 0; }; 285F1A4F08A81DA40095CF64 = { fRef = 93AAA72607F25F6B001FE48C; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "GmtShipTrack.h: sumOfDeltaY"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 622; rType = 0; vrLen = 403; vrLoc = 432; }; 285F1A8908A824D90095CF64 = { fRef = 661A74BC020DE1BA00A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "GraphView.m: 22"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 1324; rType = 0; vrLen = 274; vrLoc = 241; }; 2868024608A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE7AA0216404500A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "ColorGraphView.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 882; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868024708A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE7AB0216404500A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "ColorGraphView.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 915; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868024808A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE79F0216289600A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Controller.h: 45"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 1048; rType = 0; vrLen = 1128; vrLoc = 375; }; 2868024A08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2896537A081F3C1C00D8F7D9; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "DataController.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 194; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868024B08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2896537B081F3C1C00D8F7D9; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "DataController.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 214; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868024C08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 28A6AAA4081F357A00444AE6; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "DataView.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 546; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868024E08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 6650AF57022CB28E00A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "defaults.h: GP_AxesColor"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 495; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868024F08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2868495F085F3FBE00DB8CE0; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "define.h: 3"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 96; rType = 0; vrLen = 343; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868025008A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2827FD54085128A10040016E; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "DragRect.h: 3"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 96; rType = 0; vrLen = 221; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868025108A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2827FD55085128A10040016E; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "DragRect.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 586; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868025208A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 93386A5407F11AB900C2546C; isa = PBXBookmark; }; 2868025308A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 93AAA72607F25F6B001FE48C; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "GmtShipTrack.h: gmtShipTrackRecordList"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 250; rType = 0; vrLen = 1084; vrLoc = 539; }; 2868025508A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 93AAA72807F25F6B001FE48C; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "GmtShipTrackRecord.h: 3"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 96; rType = 0; vrLen = 726; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868025908A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 661A74C9020E5A5100A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Label.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 496; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868025A08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 661A74CA020E5A5100A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Label.m: 3"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 96; rType = 0; vrLen = 1163; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868025B08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 29B97316FDCFA39411CA2CEA; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "main.m: 9"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 353; rType = 0; vrLen = 464; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868025C08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2896534F081F39D700D8F7D9; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "NavController.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 193; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868025E08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842275A081F30AC00E436EC; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "NavigationView.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 356; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868026008A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE7A7021632DB00A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "PrefController.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 695; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868026108A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE7A6021632DB00A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "PrefController.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 1168; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868026208A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 661A74BF020E443100A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Segment.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 740; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868026408A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842A2470855239100FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "StatController.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 194; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868026508A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842A2480855239100FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "StatController.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 184; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868026608A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842A26F0855255F00FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "StatView.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 401; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868026808A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842A24D085523C800FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Tick.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 219; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868026A08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662C439202177D1600A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "TrackingGraphView.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 1119; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868026C08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 663750D00224BF0900A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "ZoomScrollView.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 397; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868027108A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 28F1022B082080F600CE8261; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "AppController.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 1373; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868027208A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE7AA0216404500A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "ColorGraphView.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 882; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868027308A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE7AB0216404500A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "ColorGraphView.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 915; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868027408A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE79F0216289600A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Controller.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 1067; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868027508A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE7A00216289600A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Controller.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 606; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868027608A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2896537A081F3C1C00D8F7D9; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "DataController.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 194; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868027708A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2896537B081F3C1C00D8F7D9; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "DataController.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 214; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868027D08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 28A6AAA4081F357A00444AE6; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "DataView.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 546; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868027F08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 6650AF57022CB28E00A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "defaults.h: GP_AxesColor"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 495; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868028008A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2868495F085F3FBE00DB8CE0; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "define.h: 3"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 96; rType = 0; vrLen = 343; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868028108A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2827FD54085128A10040016E; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "DragRect.h: 3"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 96; rType = 0; vrLen = 221; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868028208A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2827FD55085128A10040016E; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "DragRect.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 586; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868028D08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 93386A5407F11AB900C2546C; isa = PBXBookmark; }; 2868029008A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 93AAA72807F25F6B001FE48C; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "GmtShipTrackRecord.h: 3"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 96; rType = 0; vrLen = 726; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868029208A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 661A74BB020DE1BA00A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "GraphView.h: 8"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 176; rType = 0; vrLen = 1057; vrLoc = 867; }; 2868029408A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 661A74C9020E5A5100A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Label.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 496; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868029508A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 661A74CA020E5A5100A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Label.m: 3"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 96; rType = 0; vrLen = 1163; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868029608A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 29B97316FDCFA39411CA2CEA; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "main.m: 9"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 353; rType = 0; vrLen = 464; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868029708A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2896534F081F39D700D8F7D9; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "NavController.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 193; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868029908A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842275A081F30AC00E436EC; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "NavigationView.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 356; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868029A08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842275B081F30AC00E436EC; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "NavigationView.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 1393; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868029B08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE7A7021632DB00A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "PrefController.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 695; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868029C08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662FE7A6021632DB00A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "PrefController.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 1168; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868029D08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 661A74BF020E443100A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Segment.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 740; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868029E08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 661A74C0020E443100A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Segment.m: 29"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 653; rType = 0; vrLen = 871; vrLoc = 1333; }; 2868029F08A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842A2470855239100FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "StatController.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 194; vrLoc = 0; }; 286802A008A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842A2480855239100FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "StatController.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 184; vrLoc = 0; }; 286802A108A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842A26F0855255F00FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "StatView.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 401; vrLoc = 0; }; 286802A208A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842A2700855255F00FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "StatView.m: 26"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 550; rType = 0; vrLen = 1222; vrLoc = 0; }; 286802A308A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842A24D085523C800FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Tick.h: 1"; rLen = 97; rLoc = 0; rType = 0; vrLen = 219; vrLoc = 0; }; 286802A408A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 2842A24E085523C800FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Tick.m: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 1201; vrLoc = 0; }; 286802A508A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 662C439202177D1600A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "TrackingGraphView.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 1119; vrLoc = 0; }; 286802A708A9B1FC008B4546 = { fRef = 663750D00224BF0900A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "ZoomScrollView.h: 4"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 97; rType = 0; vrLen = 397; vrLoc = 0; }; 2868495F085F3FBE00DB8CE0 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{96, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{757, 469}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 288CE3D708B6652400B0B322 = { fRef = 93AAA72707F25F6B001FE48C; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = Carter; rLen = 6; rLoc = 9893; rType = 0; vrLen = 583; vrLoc = 9386; }; 288CE3D808B6652400B0B322 = { fRef = 2842A2700855255F00FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "- (void)gotData:(id)sender"; rLen = 27; rLoc = 4283; rType = 0; vrLen = 1116; vrLoc = 3961; }; 288CE3D908B6652400B0B322 = { fRef = 28A6AAA8081F358B00444AE6; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)theEvent"; rLen = 39; rLoc = 503; rType = 0; vrLen = 635; vrLoc = 2236; }; 288CE3EB08B6722700B0B322 = { fRef = 661A74C0020E443100A80165; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "- (NSRect)bounds"; rLen = 17; rLoc = 1176; rType = 0; vrLen = 711; vrLoc = 856; }; 288CE41908B6780700B0B322 = { fRef = 2842A24E085523C800FE8F17; isa = PBXTextBookmark; name = "Tick.m: 27"; rLen = 0; rLoc = 676; rType = 0; vrLen = 840; vrLoc = 137; }; 2896534E081F39D700D8F7D9 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {439, 528}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{97, 26}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {439, 528}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{268, 384}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 2896534F081F39D700D8F7D9 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{97, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{429, 237}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 2896537A081F3C1C00D8F7D9 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{0, 97}"; 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}; PBXConfiguration.PBXFileTableDataSource3.PBXFindDataSource = { PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingDirectionKey = "-1"; PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXFindDataSource_LocationID; PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = ( 286, 45.2085, ); PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnsKey = ( PBXFindDataSource_MessageID, PBXFindDataSource_LocationID, ); }; PBXConfiguration.PBXFileTableDataSource3.PBXSymbolsDataSource = { PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingDirectionKey = "-1"; PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXSymbolsDataSource_SymbolNameID; PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = ( 16, 238.8008, 266.0356, 243.2085, ); PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnsKey = ( PBXSymbolsDataSource_SymbolTypeIconID, PBXSymbolsDataSource_SymbolNameID, PBXSymbolsDataSource_SymbolTypeID, PBXSymbolsDataSource_ReferenceNameID, ); }; PBXConfiguration.PBXFileTableDataSource3.XCSCMDataSource = { PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingDirectionKey = "-1"; PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID; PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = ( 20, 20, 441, 20, 71, 43, 43, 20, ); PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnsKey = ( PBXFileDataSource_SCM_ColumnID, PBXFileDataSource_FiletypeID, PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID, PBXFileDataSource_Built_ColumnID, PBXFileDataSource_ObjectSize_ColumnID, PBXFileDataSource_Errors_ColumnID, PBXFileDataSource_Warnings_ColumnID, PBXFileDataSource_Target_ColumnID, ); }; PBXConfiguration.PBXTargetDataSource.PBXTargetDataSource = { PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingDirectionKey = "-1"; PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID; PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = ( 20, 390, 10, 20, 86, 43, 43, ); PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnsKey = ( PBXFileDataSource_FiletypeID, PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID, PBXTargetDataSource_PrimaryAttribute, PBXFileDataSource_Built_ColumnID, PBXFileDataSource_ObjectSize_ColumnID, PBXFileDataSource_Errors_ColumnID, PBXFileDataSource_Warnings_ColumnID, ); }; PBXPerProjectTemplateStateSaveDate = 146177441; PBXPrepackagedSmartGroups_v2 = ( { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom; absolutePathToBundle = ""; activationKey = OldTargetSmartGroup; clz = PBXTargetSmartGroup; description = "Displays all targets of the project."; globalID = 1C37FABC04509CD000000102; name = Targets; preferences = { image = Targets; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = PBXTargetSmartGroup2; description = "Displays all targets of the project as well as nested build phases."; globalID = 1C37FBAC04509CD000000102; name = Targets; preferences = { image = Targets; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = PBXExecutablesSmartGroup; description = "Displays all executables of the project."; globalID = 1C37FAAC04509CD000000102; name = Executables; preferences = { image = Executable; }; }, { " PBXTransientLocationAtTop " = bottom; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = PBXErrorsWarningsSmartGroup; description = "Displays files with errors or warnings."; globalID = 1C08E77C0454961000C914BD; name = "Errors and Warnings"; preferences = { fnmatch = ""; image = WarningsErrors; recursive = 1; regex = ""; root = ""; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = PBXFilenameSmartGroup; description = "Filters items in a given group (potentially recursively) based on matching the name with the regular expression of the filter."; globalID = 1CC0EA4004350EF90044410B; name = "Implementation Files"; preferences = { canSave = 1; fnmatch = ""; image = SmartFolder; isLeaf = 0; recursive = 1; regex = "?*\\.[mcMC]"; root = ""; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = PBXFilenameSmartGroup; description = "This group displays Interface Builder NIB Files."; globalID = 1CC0EA4004350EF90041110B; name = "NIB Files"; preferences = { canSave = 1; fnmatch = "*.nib"; image = SmartFolder; isLeaf = 0; recursive = 1; regex = ""; root = ""; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = no; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = PBXFindSmartGroup; description = "Displays Find Results."; globalID = 1C37FABC05509CD000000102; name = "Find Results"; preferences = { image = spyglass; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = no; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = PBXBookmarksSmartGroup; description = "Displays Project Bookmarks."; globalID = 1C37FABC05539CD112110102; name = Bookmarks; preferences = { image = Bookmarks; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = XCSCMSmartGroup; description = "Displays files with interesting SCM status."; globalID = E2644B35053B69B200211256; name = SCM; preferences = { image = PBXRepository; isLeaf = 0; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = PBXSymbolsSmartGroup; description = "Displays all symbols for the project."; globalID = 1C37FABC04509CD000100104; name = "Project Symbols"; preferences = { image = ProjectSymbols; isLeaf = 1; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = PBXFilenameSmartGroup; description = "Filters items in a given group (potentially recursively) based on matching the name with the regular expression of the filter."; globalID = PBXTemplateMarker; name = "Simple Filter SmartGroup"; preferences = { canSave = 1; fnmatch = "*.nib"; image = SmartFolder; isLeaf = 0; recursive = 1; regex = ""; root = ""; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom; absolutePathToBundle = ""; clz = PBXFilenameSmartGroup; description = "Filters items in a given group (potentially recursively) based on matching the name with the regular expression of the filter."; globalID = PBXTemplateMarker; name = "Simple Regular Expression SmartGroup"; preferences = { canSave = 1; fnmatch = ""; image = SmartFolder; isLeaf = 0; recursive = 1; regex = "?*\\.[mcMC]"; root = ""; }; }, { PBXTransientLocationAtTop = bottom; clz = XDDesignSmartGroup; description = "Displays Xdesign models"; globalID = 2E4A936305E6979E00701470; name = Design; preferences = { image = Design; isLeaf = 0; }; }, ); PBXWorkspaceStateSaveDate = 146177441; }; perUserProjectItems = { 28056DEC08A6CD89007C52A7 = 28056DEC08A6CD89007C52A7; 2806A65308B13F590062B4A4 = 2806A65308B13F590062B4A4; 2806A69108B159000062B4A4 = 2806A69108B159000062B4A4; 2806A69208B159000062B4A4 = 2806A69208B159000062B4A4; 2806A69308B159000062B4A4 = 2806A69308B159000062B4A4; 2807FAF4089EFD6300A6AD5E = 2807FAF4089EFD6300A6AD5E; 2824B4E308B2B897001B9448 = 2824B4E308B2B897001B9448; 282726AD08B67FB90073827A = 282726AD08B67FB90073827A; 282AF6C408AD6C7A00BCF317 = 282AF6C408AD6C7A00BCF317; 282E6D0A08A7DDA100EDA1B4 = 282E6D0A08A7DDA100EDA1B4; 2843BFA008AD218E00CC2C87 = 2843BFA008AD218E00CC2C87; 2843BFA108AD218E00CC2C87 = 2843BFA108AD218E00CC2C87; 28470AB608B2AF9300064BF4 = 28470AB608B2AF9300064BF4; 28470AB908B2AF9300064BF4 = 28470AB908B2AF9300064BF4; 28470AC008B2AF9300064BF4 = 28470AC008B2AF9300064BF4; 285F1A4F08A81DA40095CF64 = 285F1A4F08A81DA40095CF64; 285F1A8908A824D90095CF64 = 285F1A8908A824D90095CF64; 2868024608A9B1FC008B4546 = 2868024608A9B1FC008B4546; 2868024708A9B1FC008B4546 = 2868024708A9B1FC008B4546; 2868024808A9B1FC008B4546 = 2868024808A9B1FC008B4546; 2868024A08A9B1FC008B4546 = 2868024A08A9B1FC008B4546; 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288CE3D808B6652400B0B322 = 288CE3D808B6652400B0B322; 288CE3D908B6652400B0B322 = 288CE3D908B6652400B0B322; 288CE3EB08B6722700B0B322 = 288CE3EB08B6722700B0B322; 288CE41908B6780700B0B322 = 288CE41908B6780700B0B322; 289D63D5089F055500AD73CE = 289D63D5089F055500AD73CE; 28AE362A089F113E001D83A8 = 28AE362A089F113E001D83A8; 28D5C4D108B67C88009B3BC0 = 28D5C4D108B67C88009B3BC0; }; sourceControlManager = 28AB87ED0815F9BE00311CFE; userBookmarkGroup = 282E6CEF08A6EACB00EDA1B4; userBuildSettings = { }; }; 29B97316FDCFA39411CA2CEA = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{353, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; }; }; 29B97326FDCFA39411CA2CEA = { activeExec = 0; executables = ( 28AB87E30815F9B500311CFE, ); }; 661A74BB020DE1BA00A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {439, 1148}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{176, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 518}, {439, 528}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{476, 734}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 661A74BC020DE1BA00A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {850, 3556}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{1374, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 560}, {850, 660}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{176, 237}, {889, 789}}"; }; }; 661A74BF020E443100A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{0, 97}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{1510, 717}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 661A74C0020E443100A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {650, 1526}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{1176, 17}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 609}, {439, 420}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{494, 249}, {781, 1181}}"; }; }; 661A74C9020E5A5100A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{0, 97}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{2268, 469}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 661A74CA020E5A5100A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {711, 1064}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{1417, 7}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 727}, {711, 297}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{2740, 415}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 662C439102177D1600A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {956, 5838}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{940, 15}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 532}, {439, 420}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{101, 219}, {889, 789}}"; }; }; 662C439202177D1600A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {803, 938}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{725, 18}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {803, 852}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{1374, 199}, {543, 1314}}"; }; }; 662FE79F0216289600A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 868}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{1048, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 243}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{462, 501}, {714, 966}}"; }; }; 662FE7A00216289600A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {774, 3920}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{1681, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 873}, {774, 397}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{68, 398}, {817, 1106}}"; }; }; 662FE7A6021632DB00A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 1498}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{97, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{199, 447}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 662FE7A7021632DB00A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{97, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{222, 426}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 662FE7AA0216404500A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {803, 852}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{330, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {803, 852}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{130, 510}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 662FE7AB0216404500A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {803, 3556}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{661, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {803, 852}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{60, 213}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 663750D00224BF0900A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1007, 1156}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{181, 7}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {1007, 1156}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{61, 573}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 663750D10224BF0900A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {774, 1274}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{1067, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 402}, {774, 387}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{1159, 152}, {797, 1255}}"; }; }; 6650AF57022CB28E00A80165 = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{97, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{130, 510}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; 93AAA72607F25F6B001FE48C = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {765, 938}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{777, 11}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 239}, {765, 404}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{1327, 113}, {882, 1304}}"; }; }; 93AAA72707F25F6B001FE48C = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {774, 5908}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{359, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 75}, {774, 397}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{1410, 94}, {797, 1255}}"; }; }; 93AAA72807F25F6B001FE48C = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 1022}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{96, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 0}, {906, 625}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{491, 175}, {797, 1255}}"; }; }; 93AAA72907F25F6B001FE48C = { uiCtxt = { sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {626, 2940}}"; sepNavSelRange = "{5366, 0}"; sepNavVisRect = "{{0, 1880}, {439, 528}}"; sepNavWindowFrame = "{{40, 217}, {750, 558}}"; }; }; }