program nettleton4 c c program to determine the mapping from gravity to topography c in sub regions. c c The standard good window contains 60 points. c c If sumw is less than 42 the window radius is increased c by a factor of square root of 2. c c If sumw is greater than 170 the window radius is decreased c by a factor of square root of 2. c c parameter (nimx = 6336, njmx = 10800, nsub = 40000) parameter (nrow = 64, ncol = 108) character*80 filein1,filein2,fileout integer*2 idata(2*nimx*njmx) dimension gravs(nsub),topos(nsub),weight(nsub) dimension w(-nimx/nrow:nimx/nrow,-njmx/ncol:njmx/ncol) common/grid/nlat,nlon,rdlt,rdln,iproj common/bounds/rlt0,rltf,rln0,rlnf,rlnm data pi,rad,gamma/3.1415927,.01745329,6.67e-11/ data lus /20/ c c setup the grid parameters c nlon=njmx nj=njmx nlat=nimx ni=nimx rlt0=-72.006 rltf=72.006 rln0=0. rlnf=360. rdln=0.033333333 rdlt=0. iproj=2 iland=9999 idum=9998 c c get values from command line c narg = iargc() if( then write(*,'(a)')' ' write(*,'(a)') & 'Usage: nettleton4 grav.gips topo.gips slope.out ' write(*,'(a)')' ' stop else call getarg(1,filein1) call getarg(2,filein2) call getarg(3,fileout) endif c c add string terminator to filenames and decode sigma c nc=index(filein1,' ') filein1(nc:nc)='\0' c c open the gravity file and read header info c iin1=ihread(filein1,"/mgg/gips/tables/cprofile") if (iin1.eq.0) then write(*,*) '****header incorrectly formatted ' stop endif c c check the file size c ig=ihget("xnum",njg) ig=ihget("ynum",nig) if( then write(*,'(a)') 'incorrect dimension for grav file' stop endif c nc=index(filein2,' ') filein2(nc:nc)='\0' c c open the topography file and read header info c iin2=ihread(filein2,"/mgg/gips/tables/cprofile") if (iin2.eq.0) then write(*,*) '****header incorrectly formatted ' stop endif c c check the file size c ig=ihget("xnum",njt) ig=ihget("ynum",nit) if( then write(*,'(a)') 'incorrect dimension for topo file' stop endif c c open the output file c open(unit=lus,file=fileout,err=9000) go to 9001 9000 write(*,*)' could not open ',name 9001 continue c c read the gravity file into row i and the c topography file into row i+1 this will place them c close together in memory. c do 100 i=1,ni istart=2*nj*(i-1)+1 in = ihbin(idata(istart),iin1,2*nj) if( then write(*,*)' could not read, rec# ',filein1,i stop endif istart=istart+nj in = ihbin(idata(istart),iin2,2*nj) if( then write(*,*)' could not read, rec# ',filein2,i stop endif 100 continue c c calculate these coefficients for overlapping areas c ndi=ni/nrow ni0=ndi/2 ndj=nj/ncol nj0=ndj/2 c do 1000 irow=ni0,nlat,ni0 i00=max(1,irow-ndi) iff=min(nlat,irow+ndi) jcol=ndj c call proj(rlat,rlon,irow,jcol,-1) call mercator(rlat,rlon,irow,jcol,-1) cost=cos(abs(rlat*rad)) cost2=cost*cost c c fill the weight array c sig0=ni0*ni0/cost2 siglarge=sig0*2. sigsmall=sig0/2. sig=sig0 550 continue do 700 i=-ndi,ndi do 600 j=-ndj,ndj dist=sqrt(i*i/sig+j*j/sig) if(dist.le.1.0) then w(i,j)=0.5*(1.+cos(pi*dist)) else w(i,j)=0. endif 600 continue 700 continue c do 2000 jcol=nj0,nlon,nj0 j00=jcol-ndj jff=jcol+ndj c c loop over the area and get the data c ns=0 wsum=0. do 200 i=i00,iff ioff=2*nj*(i-1) do 200 j=j00,jff c c wrap the data arrays around Grenwich c jsave=j jdata=1+mod(j-1+nj,nj) indx=jdata+ioff c c odd point is constrained by ship data c even point has no constraint c itest=idata(indx+nj) iuncr=mod(itest,2) if( go to 200 ns=ns+1 if( then write(*,'(a)')' increase dimension nsub ' go to 200 endif weight(ns)=w(i-irow,jsave-jcol) wsum=wsum+weight(ns) gravs(ns)=idata(indx)/10. topos(ns)=idata(indx+nj) 200 continue c c see if there are a good number of points in the window c if( then sig=siglarge go to 550 endif if( then sig=sigsmall go to 550 endif c c compute the nettleton slope c sumw=0. gbar=0. tbar=0. r=0. prob=0. slope=-100. if( then int1=nslope3(gravs,topos,weight,ns,sumw, + gbar,sigg,tbar,sigt,r,prob) if( then slope=-100. else slope=sign(sigt/sigg,r) endif c c compute the lat and lon c c call proj(rlat,rlon,irow,jcol,-1) call mercator(rlat,rlon,irow,jcol,-1) irowbot=ni-irow+1 write(lus,908)jcol,irowbot,rlon,rlat,sumw,sigg, + sigt,slope,r,prob,ns,sig 908 format(2i6,8e13.5,i7,f8.0) c c write out the appropriate area c c if(abs(rlon-rlont).lt.0.5.and.abs(rlat-rlatt).lt.0.5) then c do 1500 k=1,ns c tpred=gravs(k)*slope c write(*,*)gravs(k),topos(k),tpred c1500 continue c endif endif 2000 continue 1000 continue close(lus) call ihbcl(iin1) call ihbcl(iin2) stop end