Basically you need to: Be sure that 1) double check w020n90.xyzi files are < 2 GB i.e. grep log file for the string "error:" 2) /Volumes/hitchingpost/datalib/SRTM/SRTM30 is mounted... You'll have to run by hand on one of Daves older computers the comments in "getAllCmData", and then getAllCmData itself. The rest of the process is automatic. Just run "makeAll" MakeAll assumes it's on a capable computer with dual quad cores and enough RAM to hold the "huge" xyz file; i.e. ~12GB. If you are running on obsolete hardware you'll want to change the makeXXX scripts to run less than 8 or 9 processes in parallel, otherwise swapping will occur. On the otherhand it will work fine, and might not be much, if any, slower than tuning it to run on old computers. NOTE: To run on obsolete PPC macs and/or SUN you should just run "make all" in src, and then it should all just work. I didn't test that, as I don't care if it runs on a machine that was obsolete 2 years ago. IF you modify the scripts and do a grd2xyz, or blockmedian, or medianId or anything else that outputs text, be sure to have a "gmtset D_FORMAT = %.16lg" before any ascii is emitted. Surface needs the extra precision to avoid moaning. Also be careful with the awk scripts, you'll note that sometimes they maintain the precision of the input string (e.g. print $0 or printf "%s", $1), and other times it changes it (e.g. printf "%05d", $1). For the same reasons that you need "gmtset D_FORMAT = %.16lg", you need to be sure to have lots of significant figures in the awk output. -jj