program venus_stereo2xyz c c program to extract a sub array from an integer*2 Mercator grid c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common /grid/nlt,nln,dlt,dln,iproj common /bounds/rlt0,rltf,rln0,rlnf,rlnm common/info/lcrt(2),lin(10),nin,lout(10),nout integer*2 iin(21600) c c open the input file c call inioc(lu1) c c open the output file c call outio(lu2) c c setup the mapping from pixel to lon, lat c call lambertd(rlt,rln,i,j,0) c c read the file c ntot=0 do 200 i=1,nlt call rddiscb(lu1,iin,2*nln,istat) if( then write(lcrt(2),'(a)')' Problem reading input file ' stop endif do 150 j=1,nln c c skip empty cells c idat=iin(j) c if(idat.eq.-32768) go to 150 if(idat.le.0.) go to 150 call lambertd(rltt,rlnt,i,j,-1) topo=(idat-11877)/1000. c c write out latitude, longitude and gravity anomaly (mgal) or depth c ntot=ntot+1 write(lu2,907)rlnt,rltt,topo 907 format(2f10.4,f8.3) 150 continue 200 continue call closio(-1) write(*,906)ntot 906 format(' # of records in output file ',i8) stop end c c subroutine lambertd(rlt,rln,i,j,icall) c c routine to compute the indices i,j associated with the c lambert projection of rlt,rln. c c input c rlt - latitude (deg) c rln - longitude (deg) c icall - 0-set up grid parameters c 1-calculate index c c output c i - row of matrix for rlt c j - column of matrix for rln c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common /grid/nlt,nln,dlt,dln,iproj common /bounds/rlt0,rltf,rln0,rlnf,rlnm common /info/lcrt(2),lin(10),nin,lout(10),nout data rad /.0174533/ save rad c c if icall equals 0 then get location parameters c if(icall.eq.0) then write(lcrt(2),900) 900 format(' # of lat, # of lon (both even): ',$) read(lcrt(1),*)nlt,nln write(lcrt(2),901) 901 format(' minimum lat, latitude spacing (deg): ',$) read(lcrt(1),*)rlt0,dlt rltf=rlt0+dlt*nlt write(lcrt(2),902) 902 format(' central longitude for grid (deg): ',$) read(lcrt(1),*)rlnm drnf=nln/2*dlt/cos(rltf*rad) rn1=rlnm-drnf rn2=rlnm+drnf drn0=nln/2*dlt/cos(rlt0*rad) rn3=rlnm-drn0 rn4=rlnm+drn0 c c check to see if the left corners of the box are negative c and add 360. if it's true. c if( then rn1=rn1+360. rn2=rn2+360. rn3=rn3+360. rn4=rn4+360. rlnm=rlnm+360. endif c c print corners of area c write(lcrt(2),903) 903 format(' corners of area ') write(lcrt(2),904)rltf,rn1,rltf,rn2 write(lcrt(2),904)rlt0,rn3,rlt0,rn4 904 format(2f7.2,6x,2f7.2) write(lcrt(2),905) 905 format(' continue? 1-yes 0-no: ',$) read(lcrt(1),*)iyes if(iyes.eq.0)stop return endif c c compute the indices of the point c if(icall.eq.1) then rln1=rln i=(rltf-rlt)/dlt+1 if( i=-1 20 jd=int((rln1-rlnm)*cos(rlt*rad)/dlt) if( j2=nln/2+jd+1 j=j2 c c check to see if the point lies to the left of the box c if( then rln1=rln1+360. if(rln1.le.rlnf)go to 20 if( j=-1 endif c c compute latitude and longitude c else if( then rlt=-999. return endif if( then rln=-999. return endif rlt=rltf+dlt*(.5-i) term=dlt*(j-nln/2-.5)/cos(rad*rlt) rln=rlnm+term endif return end c block data luio c c common blocks for logical unit # transfers. c common/info/lcrt(2),lin(10),nin,lout(10),nout c c lcrt(1) - lu for terminal read. c lcrt(2) - lu for terminal write. c lin(i) - i'th input file lu (10-19 only). c nin - # of input files opened. c lout(i) - i'th output file lu (20-29 only). c nout - # of output files opened. c c***** calls no other routines c data lcrt/5,6/ data lin,nin/10*5,0/ data lout,nout/10*6,0/ end