Don Anderson dla@gps.caltech.edu
David Sandwell sandwell@geosat.ucsd.edu


This directory contains data and scripts for generating
global tectonic maps showing the following data.

topography - ftp topex.ucsd.edu (get the global topo grid topo_6.2.img)
             You may also need to install img2mercgrd which can be found
             at the same ftp site.

seafloor age - Get age grid from Dietmar Mueller's www site

The remaining data are stored in sub directories of this address.

-shallow harvard CMT solutions mapped as beach balls
-all depth ISC earthquakes color coded by depth (Engdahl et al., 1997)
-relocated intraplate earthquakes from Wysession at Wash. U. (Atlantic and Pacific)

-acitve volcanoes from Smithsonian
-holocene volcanoes various sources
-incomplese list of hotspots

Large Igneous Provinces from LIPS at UTIG.

There is one script that generates everything called make_topo_age.com.
This script extracts the topo and age grids for 6 regions of the world and then
executes another script called image.com.  Image.com can be tuned to change
the characteristics of the maps.

Six large maps will be generated.  They are best plotted on an HP2500 series
plotter.  The files are typically 160 Mbytes so the older HP plotters
cannot be used.